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Mother’s Day is right around the corner and I wanted to share one of my favourite items of all time! I stumbled across Wonderbly Books when I was on a search for a special gift to commemorate Baby Badau turning one. Since receiving our personalized book, these things are one of my favourite go-to items to gift loved ones on special occasions. I really think they are the bee’s knees!

Baby Badau absolutely loves his personalized name book. He makes us read the book over and over to him, and every time he hears his name in it, he giggles with glee. It truly is priceless, and his joy validates further for me that these books are some of the best investments I have made for him.

This Mother’s Day, we won’t be able to visit Baby Badau’s grandparents due to the social distancing orders. We are missing them so much, and it was important to me that I send them something that will be unique and put a big smile on their faces – almost as if Baby Badau was there himself to make them smile.

So, we’re personalizing and sending each grandma an adorable book about how much Baby Badau loves them! Click this link to check these out. I love that you can see a full preview of the book featuring your child’s name and avatar.
These are THE CUTEST!! I can’t wait until the grandmas receive these gifts, right on time for Mother’s Day.