Spring weather in the YYC has been incredibly testy! In the past two weeks, we have experienced heavy snowfall, high winds, rain AND dry hot sunny weather! Just a little bit crazy. The week immediately before Mother’s Day we had far from ideal weather. But as luck would have it, the hallmark holiday gods smiled upon us and gave us perfect and beautiful +24C weather for Mother’s Day weekend.
After a morning spent at Ollia Macarons & Tea in Lower Mount Royal making macarons (read about that here), we met the boys at a local park for a picnic. Each man was in charge of a food item. They did pretty good, and we ended up with some of my favourite things – Vietnamese cold cut subs, bubble tea and green tea matcha cake. Asian picnic food for the win!
Of course, the French macarons we hand crafted that same morning were also on the menu. As per tip #7 in this post, we’re not supposed to eat them until at least 24-48 hours later but who can really resist. Not us! We indulged away with no shame.
We don’t usually do gifts on hallmark holidays, opting to spend quality time together instead, but this one was a little extra special with my mom being promoted to grandma. So of course, Baby Badau had to give her a special gift for her first Grandma’s Day!
It was the perfect lazy afternoon spent chillaxin’ with loved ones.
The gods have now taken away the beautiful weather we enjoyed on Mother’s Day and it is currently miserable and raining as I post this. But with May showers come June flowers…that’s how the saying goes right? Hope everyone had a beautiful Mother’s Day weekend!