Wowza I’m baaa-ck! After briefly starting up this blog journey, I took a helluva long hiatus…longer than I think is really acceptable.
I started this blog with the purpose of keeping myself accountable as I work toward rebuilding my confidence by taking steps to build a chic life I can be proud of. I felt good with how I started out of the gate, I built up some (tiny) momentum.
And then, I stopped dead.
This blog started in late 2016, and came to be after I found myself stuck at home with nothing but my thoughts due to an incapacitating motor vehicle accident. On top of dealing with physical injuries, I was reeling from the complete disintegration of what I thought was a more special than words can describe 18-year friendship, my beloved first fur-child was suffering from terminal bone cancer, I was struggling with infertility, and my career trajectory had plateaued.
Life had beat me tha f*ck down!
As a new blogger, I quickly found myself paralyzed with fear which resulted in me putting future posts on hold after only a couple months of blogging. I had planned to be completely raw and candid, and I was worried what people would think if they got to see who the real me was and what was actually going on behind the scenes.
What if potential employers Googled me? What if I receive hate and can’t mentally handle it? What if I offend people? Oh the horror!
I put off blogging for the next few years and guess what? It did nothing for me! I was still beat down, still not living the life I wanted, and still feeling like I should be doing something different and something more.
So here I am, back again, with zero f*cks given.
Goodbye analysis paralysis!
The vision is still the same, but the fire and purpose is stronger. I’m determined to reach a high level of self-love. I’m obsessed with building the life I want. I’m excited to connect and build meaningful relationships. I’m hopeful that I can inspire others along the way.
Thanks to all of you who have continued to stick around. To those who are new and happened to stumble across my little space on the internet, warmest welcomes to you!
Let’s see what happens from here! Epic faceplant fail, or glorious mental and physical transformation? Let’s all hope for the latter. (Although epically failing would make for some fun reads…don’t worry, we’ll get a few of those).
Regardless, I’m f-ing terrified. But excited at the same time.
If you haven’t yet, follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Subscribe to my blog for updates. Leave a comment below. I would love to connect with you in one way…or all.