The year is 2020, and the entire world is on lock down. It’s quite surreal. With 100% of my daily coffees now prepared and enjoyed at home, I think my routine needed a bit of extra pizzaz the other day to knock me out of the mundane. I was craving a cupcake to have with my coffee. So naturally, I whipped up a (small) batch of 12 vanilla cupcakes and had enough batter leftover to also do a 6″ cake. Cupcake + coffee craving satisfied.

Then I looked up and Surprise Surprise! Another holiday weekend has sprung up on me. Story of my life for the past two years, and I’m thinking perhaps for the rest of my life from here on out!
It’s Easter weekend, and having to spend it at home without the company of loved ones is a little depressing. What better way to keep things festive by dressing up plain vanilla cakes to look like adorable bunnies?
I actually did this quick little craft for an Easter cake a few years ago, and the memory popped up on my Facebook Memories. It reminded me that I must have some leftover mini chocolate eggs somewhere. So I went into my pantry to find that half a bag from who knows when. And ran downstairs to raid my craft supplies for leftover pipe cleaners from a Christmas project last year.

Voila! Little Easter bunny cakes that make me smile and give just that little pick me up during a difficult time. Now…who the heck is going to eat all this cake??