While a majority of the population seems to be phasing out the use of pen and paper, I am stubbornly hanging on.
I absolutely love the tactile-ness (is that even a word??) of paper. This is also the reason that I still own paper magazines even though I can read digital copies on my iPad.
Ah, the joy of physically turning a page.
I’m always jotting in my notebooks, which has the husband constantly asking what the heck I’m writing about. The answer is always the same – brain dumps in the form of lists.
I have stacks of notebooks and if you flip through them, you will mainly see lists upon lists of random things. Maybe it’s a little weird (like my obsession for well constructed boxes), but it keeps my busy mind straight.
I thought it would be a good exercise to make the list public.
I keep talking about accountability, so what’s going to keep me more accountable than giving you all direct access to my hopes and dreams?
The List is filled with things that are practical and pie-in-the-sky. It’s also quite random and all over the place. Such is the way it was built because it is nothing more than a huge brain dump. I am continuously revisiting the List – adding things and crossing things off – so I’ll provide those updates on that page directly. Why don’t you wander on over and take a peek?
Do you keep a list? What’s on yours? Let me know in the comments below or hit me up on Facebook and Instagram to share!