Hello Friend! Welcome to my tiny little corner of the world wide web. I’m Minh Badau, wife to my best friend Raul, boy mom to Lincoln & Henri, and warrior and champion to myself! At least that’s all that I aspire to be, and this is my creative space to document that journey and share snippets of our life with you.
This blogging project was started after I suffered a bad motorcycle injury and my eldest dog was going through terminal bone cancer. Although these were the catalysts that pushed me to set up this blog, I had been feeling lost and feeling that I was meant to do something different than what I was currently doing for a long time. For one reason or another, blogging drew me in. I desperately needed some form of emotional and creative outlet and I strongly felt that this was how I could fulfill that.
You can expect a documentation of my journey of self discovery and self love as I attempt to pursue a chic life, hence the site name. What does a chic life even mean and what does it look like? Well, right now I don’t even know with full certainty! The way I see it, “chic” can probably mean different things to different people. Right now for me, it means having ultimate confidence and ease in your own skin and your own life. It is building something beautiful. Something to be proud of.
I am so excited to share this journey with you, and I promise to be completely candid in doing so. Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope you will feel inspired to pursue your own chic life through my stories.